
Comites GmbH
Jacobistraße 2
81927 Munich

T +49 89 945485-30
F +49 89 945485-31

Managing Partner:
Dr. Andreas Föller

Registration Court: District Court Munich
Registration Number: HRB 148245

VAT Identification Number in accordance with § 27 a
Value Added Tax Act:

Responsible for Content according to § 10 Paragraph 3 MDStV:
Dr. Andreas Föller (Address as above)

Research and Project Management: Julia Kemmer, Maximilian von Ilak, Alexej Anselm

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The contents of external links referenced on this website through hyperlinks, either directly or indirectly, are not checked by us. Therefore, any liability related to the use of these links or reliance on their accuracy is excluded. The information contained on this website is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The legal notices on this website and any disputes arising from or in connection with its content are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

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